Denver Vo – Certified Hypnotherapist and Mesmerist

Denver is a Member of the National Guild of Hypnotist (NGH), a qualified Certified Hypnotherapist, Self-Hypnosis and Meditation Instructor (ICBCH), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, and Three Principles Practitioner.

He is also a Mesmerist who uses energy healing to help people move on from traumatic memories. Denver is trained in many aspects of Modern Hypnosis and Ancient art of Mesmerism.

Denver’s passion is helping others to achieve their authentic Higher Self. He specialises with helping his clients overcome anxiety, fears and lack of confidence that can lead to feelings of hopelessness and depression.

Denver has a personal interest in spiritual development and has helped many clients understand a deeper meaning in themselves and become more peaceful and purposeful in their life.

Denver received his training from The Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI), the first hypnotherapy training and clinical school to become nationally accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, in Washington, D.C. He is also certified with by the International Hypnosis Federation (IHF).

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How I Secretly Went from Awkward, Anxious, & Depressed

to Energetic, Peaceful, & Purposeful…

I thought I was set for life in an engineering world. I was shy, timid, and socially awkward.

I kept wondering why I was always left behind. Alone. Ignored. Disrespected.

I remember making attempts in college to make friends. But the more I try the more I got the sense that “they don’t really care.”

While I can have fun with people, I never could form a strong, close connections. For the first time, I felt like I didn’t belong.

It gets even worse.

I avoided group events, classes, parties, and meeting people altogether.

Just the thought of human interaction raised my blood pressure. I could feel my heavy heart beating profusely with the feeling that I need to run and get out.

When all of my old friends lived their life full of joy and shared their adventures on social media, I was left out and forgotten. I felt abandoned. I had no more social and family support.

That’s when I realized I had to do something.

  • Personal development was my first attempt. I read countless blogs and watched videos. Subscribing to Positivity, I acted as though my life was perfect and everything was okay. It worked for awhile until I got back to my apartment to lie down…alone.
  • Therapy and counseling. While the therapist was helpful and caring, talking and sharing about my pain didn’t really helped me. Sessions after sessions I felt I was only there to be there so I stopped going.
  • Taking action on Meetup. It is said to be one of the best places to meet new people with the same interests. Yet, I canceled few hours before the meeting every single time. I was sure the organizer hated me.
  • Seduction community. I wanted more confidence so I came across some videos to help me do that. I learned about manipulation and tricks of confidence, but I ended up hating myself and grew cold about human nature.
  • New Age community. I did have a little hope for humanity. I felt that maybe the awkwardness I felt is because I’m different and special. This community made me feel forgiveness…until I get sucked into the Galactic Federation and the Reptilians. It wasn’t real. I was high on my horse and came out worse than I had before.
  • Other attempts. I tried drinking my way out, using psychedelics, used pills, CBD oils, and using my Will Power all to no avail.

I ended up spending 2 years of my life lying in bed, sleeping and watching Youtube. I gave up on life. And cried almost every night.

I was stuck in a loop. Unmotivated. Lethargic…

One Day…Everything Changed.

During my usual Youtube surfing I came across a man named Derren Brown, a British mentalist-illusionist who uses Hypnosis and NLP in his acts.

I grew fascinated about the potential of the subconscious mind. I wanted to learn all about the power of the subconscious mind.

Here I knew in my heart that this was the key to my problem. This was the one single thing that could give me Power and Control in my life – a power to change myself at the deepest level and be in control of my future.

So I convinced my parents to book a trip to Los Angeles to a Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) seminar. It was a wide-opening experience in so many ways. At the end, there was the option to learn more and book a hypnosis session.

I remembered sitting in that seminar chair, frozen. My arms were shaking, legs stuck to the floor, mouth completely dry, sweat pouring from my head, and my heart beat faster and faster.

And because I had no money to begin with, I was battling whether I should go home or change my life forever. During a moment of peace, I walked to the back of the room…

I booked that hypnosis session. I felt an incredible shift in myself.

I was Free.

Free of my fear of people and free to be myself.

The more confident and self-assured I felt, the easier life becomes. The world became lighter and peaceful.

And before you know it, the right people came into my life and I am grateful.

Today I continue to help clients with anxiety and social confidence who had the problems I used to have.

Even better, not only do I create long-lasting connections but I also enjoy performing Public Speaking and helping others reach a peaceful and purposeful moment in their spiritual life.

I want my clients to walk away feeling purposeful with their heart and mind integrated.

If this resonates with you, give me a call and see how I can help you.

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People are saying

“Thank you so much. Bein an empath has been feeling more of a curse because most of the times i fail to strike a difference between the negative energies i have absorbed and my own. it has destroyed my friendships and relationships as most people find me to be unnecessarily emotional and hysterical at times…if i go out to a crowdy place when im finally alone i end up feeling so empty, lost, confused, depressed, anxious and extremely overwhelmed. today i went out and practiced the shielding technique you gave me and i wasnt as overwhelmed as i was yesterday. thank you so much.”

Joan C.

“Thank you for those wise words. And the timing couldn’t be better somehow! Denver this was just what I needed.”

Bastiaan B.